Report a claim for unpaid wages
When reporting a claim for unpaid wages, you must include documentation. The documentation you need to include with your claim is a copy of:
- The judgment or decision of the Danish Labour Court, stating your name and your unpaid wages
- The request for payment concerning your unpaid wages sent to your employer and the employer’s contact person in Denmark
- Your employment contract
- Your posting agreement
- Your passport or national ID-card, if you do not have a Danish CPR no. (civil registration number)
- Your tax exemption certificate, if you are exempt from paying Danish tax on your wages.
- If you have already received part of your unpaid wages from your employer, you must also include documentation for the amount you have received.
- Your tax identification number/Tax identification number (TIN number). The TIN number is issued by the tax authorities in your country of residence.
How to
- Complete the claim form on your computer
- Print and sign the form
- Send it to The Danish Labour Market Fund for Posted Workers.
Contact info
Kongens vænge 8
3400 Hillerød