Start payment of senior pension (MitID)
Here you can start the payment of senior pension. You cannot start the payment until you have been granted disability pension from Senior Pension.
NOTE: You cannot start the payment until you have received a letter from Udbetaling Danmark with the headline ‘Vi mangler oplysninger for at kunne beregne din seniorpension' (We need information to calculate your senior pension).
It is only possible to use this self-service solution to apply for disability pension and senior pension if you have a residential address in Denmark.
It is recommended that you have the following ready:
- MitID
- Your future expected incomes
- Your eventual cohabitant's incomes
How to
- Click 'Start'
- Log in with MitID (a Danish digital signature)
- Select 'Start payment of senior pension'
- Follow the steps and fill in the appropriate fields
Please note that Udbetaling Danmark has only received your application when the receipt page is showed.