Inform Udbetaling Danmark of changes to your family benefits
Here you can notify Udbetaling Danmark of any changes to your circumstances. Among other things, you are obliged to notify us when:
- your are no longer a single parent
- you want to stop receiving one or more of your family benefits
- you are moving to another address, or people are moving to/from your address
- your contribution has changed
- your child’s paternity case has been settled
- you or your common-law partner/spouse end your studies or internship/traineeship before the scheduled time
- your income changes (if you receive child allowance for parents taking an education or an internship/traineeship)
- your child completes his/her education (if you are receiving an education allowance).
Please note that the self-service solution is in Danish. If you need assistance, you can find instructions in English for how to use the solution here:
How to
- Click on the instructions if you need help along the way in the self-service solution.
- Click 'Start'.
- Click on the information that you want to notify us of.
If you have any other changes to make, you must contact Udbetaling Danmark.
Contact info
Kongens Vænge 8
3400 Hillerød