View and claim your holiday allowance (non-Danish eID)

Here you can view and claim the holiday allowance you have accrued.

View the amount of holiday allowance that you are earned and which employer you have earned them from.

You can also see how much holiday allowance you have received previously.

Tip: This self-service is available for cross-border usage. Please use your CPR-connected national electronic ID (eID) from an EU/EEA country.

Connect your non-Danish electronic ID (eID)

To use this self-service, you need to connect your Danish Civil Registration Number (CPR number) with your national electronic ID from an EU/EEA country (eID).

How to

  1. Click ‘Continue as EU/EEA-citizen'
  2. Use your CPR-connected eID
  3. Choose which holiday year you want to see your holiday allowance from
  4. If you want to see previous disbursements, click the tab 'Tidligere ansøgninger'

If there are errors in any amounts or the number of days of holiday, or if you do not receive your holiday allowance, you must contact the employer from which you have earned the holiday allowance, because your employer is the only one who can correct the error and ensure that you get your holiday allowance.