Delete your digital health insurance card

Here, you can delete your digital health insurance card. Deleting your digital health insurance card does not affect your physical health insurance card. You can recreate your digital health insurance card whenever you want by following the setup instructions in the app. 

The self-service 'Delete your digital health insurance card' is currently closed. Please contact the Danish Agency for Digital Government via Digital Post if you want insight into the personal data processed about you in the solution.

How to

Remember to have your MitID ready.

  • Click ‘Start’.
  • Login with your MitID.
  • Under ‘sundhedskort-app’ (health insurance card app), press ‘fjern’ (remove).
  • Click ‘Fortsæt med at afmelde’ (continue to delete) on the pop-up.

Your card has been deleted successfully, if you do not have the option to press ‘fjern’ (remove).