Inform Udbetaling Danmark of changes to your pension (MitID)
Here you can inform Udbetaling Danmark of any changes to your circumstances that might affect your pension:
- inform of changes in your cohabitation
- inform of changes to fortune/assets for you or your spouse / partner
- inform of changes in income for you or your spouse / partner (from which you do not pay tax in Denmark)
- choose or change the bank account your pension is paid out to
- request a transition from a deferred pension to active pension payment
- state your working hours
- inform of changes to SUPP
- inform of changes to ATP
- disclose changes to tax cards
- send documentation to Udbetaling Danmark
Tip: This self-service is available with the Danish electronic ID MitID. If you are from an EU/EEA country, you can use the self-service for non-Danish eIDs below.
How to
- Click ‘Start’
- Log in with MitID (a Danish digital signature)
- Fill in the form
- Send