Bankruptcy, cessation of operations and restructuring

Has your employer gone bankrupt, has ceased operations or under restructuring?

LG can help you if your employer has gone bankrupt, ceased operations or under restructuring.

Holiday pay in the event of bankruptcy, cessation of operations and restructuring

LG can pay out holiday pay in the event of bankruptcy, cessation of operations and restructuring.

Have you not received your wages and has your employer not been declared bankrupt, ceased operations or during a restructuring?

LG will guide you as to what actions to take if you have not been paid and your employer has not gone bankrupt, ceased operations or under restructuring.

Taxes in the event of bankruptcy, cessation of operations and restructuring 

LG calculates the tax that is to be paid on the amounts that you receive.

Payment of frozen holiday funds

If your employer has not deposited holiday funds to Lønmodtagernes Feriemidler. LG will take over the payment of your holiday funds.

LG therefore processes and retains your personal information.