For renovation or new construction projects, you must use the municipality’s waste scheme for building waste.
The municipality must receive your notification of building and construction waste at least 2 weeks before you start the renovation or demolition in the following cases:
- Your building project creates more than a tonne of waste.
- The building project includes the replacement of double glazing which may have been manufactured between 1950 and 1977.
You should be aware that there may be hazardous materials in building waste. The hazardous materials can harm you, your loved ones and the environment.
Before you start, it is mandatory to do a screening for materials containing problematic substances, for instance asbestos, PCBs, heavy metals, PAHs and SCCPs.
Based on the results of the screening and chemical analyses, a map of the construction materials containing problematic substances must be made. The screening report and the map of problematic substances must be included in the notification to the municipality.