If you wish to complain about the processing of your application
If you are not satisfied with how Seniorpension has dealt with your application, you are welcome to contact Seniorpension. Sometimes misunderstandings can occur and can easily be resolved with a verbal explanation.
If you disagree with a decision
Seniorpension processes your application and decides if you are entitled
to receive Senior Pension. Therefore, you should contact Seniorpension if you
disagree with their decision. Seniorpension must receive your complaint, no later
than 4 weeks after you have received the decision.
It is Udbetaling Danmark, Pension, that calculates and pays out Senior
Pension. You are welcome to contact Udbetaling Danmark, Pension, if you are
dissatisfied with the calculation or payment of your Senior Pension. If you
disagree with a decision from Udbetaling Danmark, you can appeal against it.
Payment Denmark must have your complaint, no later than 4 weeks after you have
received the decision.
How to file a complaint to Seniorpension
You can file a complaint by calling Seniorpension or sending your complaint til Seniorpension, preferably marked 'Klage over Senior Pension'.
How to file a complaint to Udbetaling Danmark
You can file a complaint by calling Udbetaling Danmark or sending your complaint to Udbetaling Danmark, Pension, preferably marked ‘Klage over Senior Pension’.