Overview of contributions to ATP Livslang Pension (MitID)
Here you can get an overview of your ATP Livslang Pension.
- see how much you have contributed and how much you can expect to get in ATP Livslang Pension
- calculate your pension
- postpone your pension You can at the earliest postpone your pension 11 months before you reach the Danish state retirement age and at the latest 5 months after the payments have begun. It will, however, be a requirement that the paid out pension is repaid
- register your spouse
- see how much will be paid when you die.
Tip: This self-service is available with the Danish electronic ID MitID. If you are from an EU/EEA country, you can use the self-service for non-Danish eIDs below.
How to
- Click 'Start'
- You must log in with a Danish MitID
You can now see the contribution overview.