Give or send power of attorney to Udbetaling Danmark

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If you need someone else to assist you with your dealings with Udbetaling Danmark, you must first provide them with a power of attorney.On this page, you can easily give digital power of attorney to another person, allowing them to act on your behalf when contacting Udbetaling Danmark. Simply select the area the power of attorney should cover.If you wish to give power of attorney for multiple areas within Udbetaling Danmark, you must submit a separate power of attorney for each area. 

If You Are Assisting Someone Else

If you are helping a relative, partner, or friend with their contact with Udbetaling Danmark, you must first ensure that you have received a power of attorney.If you already have a written power of attorney from the person you are assisting, you can digitally submit the signed power of attorney via this page using your personal MitID. Simply select the relevant area.

Start Give or send power of attorney regarding housing benefits

Give power of attorney to another person

Here you can authorize another person to act on your behalf in dealings with Udbetaling Danmark regarding housing benefits. The power of attorney also covers any case regarding the impact of the cash benefits cap and individual housing benefits.

Send power of attorney for someone you are helping

If someone has given you a power of attorney on paper, you can also send the signed power of attorney digitally to Udbetaling Danmark regarding housing benefits. The power of attorney also covers any case regarding the impact of the cash benefits cap and individual housing benefits.

Start Give or send power of attorney regarding family benefits

Give power of attorney to another person

Here you can authorize another person to act on your behalf in dealings with Udbetaling Danmark, Familieydelser. The power of attorney applies to all your family benefit cases, including cases regarding child support, child allowance, and child and youth benefits.

Send power of attorney for someone you are helping

If someone has given you a power of attorney on paper, you can also send the signed power of attorney digitally to Udbetaling Danmark, Familieydelser. The power of attorney applies to all family benefit cases, including cases regarding child support, child allowance, and child and youth benefits.

Start Give or send power of attorney regarding maternity/paternity leave

Give power of attorney to another person

Here you can authorize another person to act on your behalf in dealings with Udbetaling Danmark regarding maternity/paternity leave. Send power of attorney for someone you are helping.

Send power of attorney for someone you are helping

If someone has given you a power of attorney on paper, you can also send the signed power of attorney digitally to Udbetaling Danmark regarding maternity/paternity leave.

Start Give or send power of attorney regarding pension

Give power of attorney to another person

Here you can authorize another person to act on your behalf in dealings with Udbetaling Danmark, Pension.

Send power of attorney for someone you are helping

If someone has given you a power of attorney on paper, you can also send the signed power of attorney digitally to Udbetaling Danmark, Pension.

The power of attorney applies to:       

  • State pension          
  • Early retirement pension 
  • Senior pension 
  • Foreign pension        
  • International pension
Start Give or send power of attorney regarding assisted voluntary return and reintegration support

Give power of attorney to another person

Here you can authorize another person to act on your behalf in dealings with Udbetaling Danmark regarding Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration Support.

Send power of attorney for someone you are helping

If someone has given you a power of attorney on paper, you can also send the signed power of attorney digitally to Udbetaling Danmark regarding Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration Support.

Start Give or send power of attorney regarding partial pension

Give power of attorney to another person

Here you can authorize another person to act on your behalf in dealings with Udbetaling Danmark regarding partial pension.

Send power of attorney for someone you are helping

If someone has given you a power of attorney on paper, you can also send the signed power of attorney digitally to Udbetaling Danmark regarding partial pension.

Start Give or send power of attorney regarding survival benefits

Give power of attorney to another person

Here you can authorize another person to act on your behalf in dealings with Udbetaling Danmark regarding survival benefits.

Send power of attorney for someone you are helping

If someone has given you a power of attorney on paper, you can also send the signed power of attorney digitally to Udbetaling Danmark regarding survival benefits.

Start Give or send power of attorney regarding funeral benefits

Give power of attorney to another person

Here you can authorize another person to act on your behalf in dealings with Udbetaling Danmark regarding funeral benefits.

Send power of attorney for someone you are helping

If someone has given you a power of attorney on paper, you can also send the signed power of attorney digitally to Udbetaling Danmark regarding funeral benefits.

Start Give or send power of attorney regarding flexi job scheme

Give power of attorney to another person

Here you can authorize another person to act on your behalf in dealings with Udbetaling Danmark regarding flexi job scheme.

Send power of attorney for someone you are helping

If someone has given you a power of attorney on paper, you can also send the signed power of attorney digitally to Udbetaling Danmark regarding flexi job scheme.

Start Give or send power of attorney regarding international social benefits

Give power of attorney to another person

Here you can authorize another person to act on your behalf in dealings with Udbetaling Danmark regarding your international social benefits.

Send power of attorney for someone you are helping

If someone has given you a power of attorney on paper, you can also send the signed power of attorney digitally to Udbetaling Danmark regarding international social benefits.

Start Give or send power of attorney regarding a current social benefit audit case

Give power of attorney to another person

Here you can authorize another person to act on your behalf in dealings with Udbetaling Danmark regarding a current social benefit audit case.

Send power of attorney for someone you are helping

If someone has given you a power of attorney on paper, you can also send the signed power of attorney digitally to Udbetaling Danmark regarding a current social benefit audit case.