Submit applications in construction and environmental cases
Here you can submit applications for building permits and notify construction work, etc. You can also find information on construction and environmental matters (Byg og Miljø (Construction and Environment)).
How to
Self-service is in Danish.
You can prepare your entire application in Byg og Miljø (Construction and Environment). You will get help with what the application must contain for the municipality to process it. You can also check the rules and specific conditions that apply to a particular location.
- Click ‘Start’.
- Type the address of the location where you want to apply for a permit and click ‘søg’ (search). Byg og Miljø (Construction and Environment) shows what applies at the location you have chosen.
- Click ‘Start projekt’ (Start project) and select the activities you want to apply for.
- Application types are grouped into cases in your project. Click the individual case to see what documentation is required.
- Now you can answer the different documentation requirements. Your work is always saved, so you can shut down and come back another day, log in and continue.
- When your application is finished, you can click ‘Indsend ansøgning’ (Submit application).
- You can follow the municipality’s processing of your application when you are logged in to Byg og Miljø (Construction and Environment). You will receive an email or text message when there is news about your case.