ATP contribution rates 2025 for the public sector

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A-contribution rate

ATP contribution rate for all public sector employees, except the groups who in 1987 chose the B-contribution rate.

B-contribution rate

ATP contribution rate for public sector employees who in 1987 chose the B-contribution rate, except those who after 1 Januar 1996 chose the C-contribution rate. The B-contribution rate was replaced with the D-contribution rate on 1 January 2010.

C-contribution rate

ATP contribution for public sector employees who chose the C-contribution rate after 1 Januar 1996. The rates were raised on 1 January 2006.

D-contribution rate

ATP contribution rate for public sector employees on the B-contribution rate who chose to raise it after 1 January 2006. The D-contribution rate was replaced with the F-contribution rate on 1 January 2012.

E-contribution rate

ATP contribution rate for a part of the public sector employees on the C-contribution rate. C-contribution or E-contribution is decided in your labour agreement.

F-contribution rate

ATP contribution for the public sector employees who was on the D-contribution rate until 31 December 2011.

ATP hourly contribution rates for recipients of public benefits while absent from the labour market. 

Contribution rate per hour 1/2 contribution amounts to  1/3 contribution amounts to Total contributions DKK

Mandatory contribution
(sickness benefits, unemployment benefits, maternity benefits, job rotation benefits, VEU allowance, etc.)

Double contribution per hour.

 - 1,421


Mandatory contribution 
(VEU allowance for non-insured plus job rotation benefits)

Double contribution per hour.

2,132  - 4,26

Voluntary contribution
(Partial pension, early retirement pension, partial early retirement pension, transitional benefits, senior benefits, benefits under the Danish flexi job scheme)

Per hour.

0,933  -


Contribution A for the Public Sector

ATP A-contribution rates for employees paid monthly in the public sector.

Employees paid monthly
(Work hours per month)
Employee's share (1/3)
Employer's share (2/3)  Total A-contribution DKK
At least 117 timer (full-time)
99,00 198,00 297,00
At least 78 - under 117 (2/3 working time) 66,00 132,00 198,00
At least 39 - under 78 (1/3 working time) 33,00 66,00 99,00
Less than 39 hours 0,00 0,00 0,00

ATP A-contribution rates for employees paid every 14 days in the public sector.

Employees paid every 14 days
(Work hours during af 14-day period)
Employee's share (1/3) Employer's share (2/3)  Total A-contribution DKK
At least 54 hours (full time) 52,20 104,40 156,60
At least 36 hours - under 54 hours (2/3 working time)


69,60 104,40
At least 18 hours - under 36 hours (1/3 working time) 17,40 34,80 52,20
Less than 18 hours 0,00 0,00 0,00

ATP A-contribution rates for employees paid weekly in the public sector.

Employees paid weekly
(Work hours per week)
Employee's share (1/3) Employer's share (2/3)  Total A-contribution DKK
At least 27 hour (full time) 26,10 52,20 78,30
At least 18 hours - under 27 hours (2/3 working time) 17,40 34,80 52,20
At least 9 hours - under 18 hours (1/3 working time) 8,70 17,40 26,10
Less than 9 hours 0,00 0,00 0,00

ATP A-contribution rates for casual workers in the public sector.

Casual worker are people with completed employments at one or more employers within a single week and which are typically paid on a day-to-day basis.

Casual workers Employee's share (1/3) Employer's share (2/3)  Total A-contribution DKK
Per hour 0,71 1,42 2,13

Contribution B for the Public Sector

ATP B-contribution rates for employees paid monthly in the public sector.

Employees paid monthly
(Work hours per month)
Employee's share (1/3) Employer's share (2/3)  Total B-contribution DKK
At least 117 timer (full-time) 32,40
64,80 97,20
At least 78 - under 117 (2/3 working time) 21,60 43,20 64,80
At least 39 - under 78 (1/3 working time) 10,80 21,60 32,40
Less than 39 hours 0,00 0,00 0,00

ATP B-contribution rates for employees paid every 14 days in the public sector.

Employees paid every 14 days
(Work hours during af 14-day period)
Employee's share (1/3) Employer's share (2/3)  Total B-contribution DKK
At least 54 hours (full time) 17,10 34,20 51,30
At least 36 hours - under 54 hours (2/3 working time) 11,40 22,80 34,20
At least 18 hours - under 36 hours (1/3 working time) 5,70 11,40 17,10
Less than 18 hours 0,00 0,00 0,00

ATP B-contribution rates for employees paid weekly in the public sector.

Employees paid weekly
(Work hours per week)
Employee's share (1/3) Employer's share (2/3)  Total B-contribution DKK
At least 27 hour (full time) 8,55 17,10 25,65
At least 18 hours - under 27 hours (2/3 working time) 5,70 11,40 17,10
At least 9 hours - under 18 hours (1/3 working time) 2,85 5,70 8,55
Less than 9 hours 0,00 0,00 0,00

ATP B-contribution rates for casual workers in the public sector.

Casual worker are people with completed employments at one or more employers within a single week and which are typically paid on a day-to-day basis.

Casual workers Employee's share (1/3) Employer's share (2/3)  Total B-contribution DKK
Per hour 0,25 0,50 0,75

Contribution C for the Public Sector

ATP C-contribution rates for employees paid monthly in the public sector.

Employees paid monthly
(Work hours per month)
Employee's share (1/3) Employer's share (2/3)  Total C-contribution DKK
At least 117 timer (full-time) 66,60 133,20 199,80
At least 78 - under 117 (2/3 working time) 44,40 88,80 133,20

At least 39 - under 78 (1/3 working time)

22,20 44,40 66,60
Less than 39 hours 0,00 0,00 0,00

ATP C-contribution rates for employees paid every 14 days in the public sector.

Employees paid every 14 days
(Work hours during af 14-day period)
Employee's share (1/3) Employer's share (2/3)  Total C-contribution DKK
At least 54 hours (full time)


70,20 105,30
At least 36 hours - under 54 hours (2/3 working time) 23,40 46,80 70,20
At least 18 hours - under 36 hours (1/3 working time) 11,70 23,40 35,10
Less than 18 hours 0,00



ATP C-contribution rates for employees paid weekly in the public sector.

Employees paid weekly
(Work hours per week)
Employee's share (1/3) Employer's share (2/3)  Total C-contribution DKK
At least 27 hour (full time) 17,55 35,10 52,65
At least 18 hours - under 27 hours (2/3 working time) 11,70 23,40 35,10
At least 9 hours - under 18 hours (1/3 working time) 5,85 11,70 17,55
Less than 9 hours 0,00 0,00 0,00

ATP C-contribution rates for casual workers in the public sector.

Casual worker are people with completed employments at one or more employers within a single week and which are typically paid on a day-to-day basis.

Casual workers Employee's share (1/3) Employer's share (2/3)  Total C-contribution DKK
Per hour 0,47 0,94 1,41

Contribution D for the Public Sector

ATP D-contribution rates for employees paid monthly in the public sector.

Employees paid monthly
(Work hours per month)
Employee's share (1/3) Employer's share (2/3)  Total D-contribution DKK
At least 117 timer (full-time) 57,00 114,00 171,00
At least 78 - under 117 (2/3 working time) 38,00 76,00 114,00
At least 39 - under 78 (1/3 working time) 19,00 38,00 57,00
Less than 39 hours 0,00 0,00 0,00

ATP D-contribution rates for employees paid every 14 days in the public sector.

Employees paid every 14 days
(Work hours during af 14-day period)
Employee's share (1/3) Employer's share (2/3)  Total D-contribution DKK
At least 54 hours (full time) 30,00 60,00 90,00
At least 36 hours - under 54 hours (2/3 working time) 20,00 40,00 60,00
At least 18 hours - under 36 hours (1/3 working time) 10,00 20,00 30,00
Less than 18 hours 0,00 0,00 0,00

ATP D-contribution rates for employees paid weekly in the public sector.

Employees paid weekly
(Work hours per week)
Employee's share (1/3) Employer's share (2/3)  Total D-contribution DKK
At least 27 hour (full time) 15,00 30,00 45,00
At least 18 hours - under 27 hours (2/3 working time) 10,00 20,00 30,00
At least 9 hours - under 18 hours (1/3 working time) 5,00 10,00 15,00
Less than 9 hours 0,00 0,00 0,00

ATP D-contribution rates for casual workers in the public sector.

Casual worker are people with completed employments at one or more employers within a single week and which are typically paid on a day-to-day basis.

Casual workers Employee's share (1/3) Employer's share (2/3)  Total D-contribution DKK
Per hour 0,41 0,82 1,23

Contribution E for the Public Sector

ATP E-contribution rates for employees paid monthly in the public sector.

Employees paid monthly
(Work hours per month)
Employee's share (1/3) Employer's share (2/3)  Total E-contribution DKK
At least 117 timer (full-time) 77,40 154,80 232,20
At least 78 - under 117 (2/3 working time) 51,60 103,20 154,80
At least 39 - under 78 (1/3 working time) 25,80 51,60


Less than 39 hours 0,00 0,00 0,00

ATP E-contribution rates for employees paid every 14 days in the public sector.

Employees paid every 14 days
(Work hours during af 14-day period)
Employee's share (1/3) Employer's share (2/3)  Total E-contribution DKK
At least 54 hours (full time) 40,80 81,60 122,40
At least 36 hours - under 54 hours (2/3 working time) 27,20


At least 18 hours - under 36 hours (1/3 working time) 13,60 27,20 40,80
Less than 18 hours 0,00 0,00 0,00

ATP E-contribution rates for employees paid weekly in the public sector.

Employees paid weekly
(Work hours per week)
Employee's share (1/3) Employer's share (2/3)  Total E-contribution DKK
At least 27 hour (full time) 20,40 40,80 61,20
At least 18 hours - under 27 hours (2/3 working time) 13,60 27,20 40,80
At least 9 hours - under 18 hours (1/3 working time) 6,80 13,60 20,40
Less than 9 hours 0,00 0,00 0,00

ATP E-contribution rates for casual workers in the public sector.

Casual worker are people with completed employments at one or more employers within a single week and which are typically paid on a day-to-day basis.

Casual workers Employee's share (1/3) Employer's share (2/3)  Total E-contribution DKK
Per hour 0,55 1,10  1,65

Contribution F for the Public Sector

ATP F-contribution rates for employees paid monthly in the public sector.

Employees paid monthly
(Work hours per month)
Employee's share (1/3) Employer's share (2/3)  Total F-contribution DKK
At least 117 timer (full-time) 88,20


At least 78 - under 117 (2/3 working time) 58,80 117,60 176,40
At least 39 - under 78 (1/3 working time)


58,80 88,20
Less than 39 hours 0,00 0,00 0,00

ATP F-contribution rates for employees paid every 14 days in the public sector.

Employees paid every 14 days
(Work hours during af 14-day period)
Employee's share (1/3) Employer's share (2/3)  Total F-contribution DKK
At least 54 hours (full time) 46,50 93,00 139,50
At least 36 hours - under 54 hours (2/3 working time) 31,00 62,00 93,00
At least 18 hours - under 36 hours (1/3 working time) 15,50 31,00 46,50
Less than 18 hours 0,00 0,00 0,00

ATP F-contribution rates for employees paid weekly in the public sector.

Employees paid weekly
(Work hours per week)
Employee's share (1/3) Employer's share (2/3)  Total F-contribution DKK
At least 27 hour (full time) 23,25 46,50 69,75
At least 18 hours - under 27 hours (2/3 working time) 15,50 31,00 46,50
At least 9 hours - under 18 hours (1/3 working time) 7,75



Less than 9 hours 0,00 0,00 0,00

ATP F-contribution rates for casual workers in the public sector.

Casual worker are people with completed employments at one or more employers within a single week and which are typically paid on a day-to-day basis.

Casual workers Employee's share (1/3) Employer's share (2/3)  Total F-contribution DKK
Per hour 0,63 1,26
