Legislation about payment to spouse in the event of death

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If you receive ATP Livslang Pension, payments will stop when you die, i.e. no one can inherit your pension.

When you die your spouse may be entitled to a lump sum payment from ATP Livslang Pension. If you have made contributions to ATP both prior and after 1 January 2002, ATP may pay out the biggest amount to your spouse.

40 percent of the lump sum will be deducted as tax for Skattestyrelsen (the Danish Tax Agency).

ATP Livslang Pension abroad

If you live outside of Denmark, it is important that your spouse contacts ATP as we are not automatically informed about deaths that occur outside of Denmark.

  • Read more about ATP Livslang Pension abroad

If you have made contributions to ATP Livslang Pension prior to 1 January 2002, your spouse may be entitled to a lump sum payment when you die. The amount of the lump sum depends on the year of your birth and how much you have contributed to ATP prior to 1 January 2002.

If you have made contributions to ATP both prior and after 1 January 2002, ATP may pay out the biggest amount to your spouse.

40 percent of the lump sum will be deducted as tax for Skattestyrelsen.