Partial pension

Partial pension is a financial compensation if you want to reduce your working hours without leaving the labour market altogether

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Partial pension (Delpension) is a financial compensation for you if you want to reduce your working hours without leaving the labour market altogether.

You can get partial pension if you:

  • were born before 1959
  • live and work in Denmark or on a Danish ship
  • have reached an age at which you are eligible for partial pension
  • have not received or are not entitled to receive a labour market exit benefit certificate
  • have had your pension assets calculated.

If you are a salaried employee/wage earner, you must meet certain requirements in order to get partial pension. Before you go on partial pension:

  • You must have worked an average of 30 hours per week for 18 months within the past 24 months. The work must have been performed in Denmark or on a Danish ship.
  • You must have paid full ATP Livslang Pension contributions for at least 10 years within the past 20 years.

When you go on partial pension:

  • You must reduce your working hours by at least 7 hours a week, or by at least one quarter of the time you have worked on average per week in the past 9 months before you went on partial pension.
  • You must work between 12 and 30 hours per week on average.
  • You must work at least 20 days each quarter.

If you are self-employed, you must meet certain requirements in order to get partial pension. Before you go on partial pension:

  • You must have worked full-time in the past 5 years in Denmark or on a Danish ship.
  • You must have operated an independent business for at least 4 out of the past 5 years, and for at least 9 out of the past 12 months.
  • A considerable part of your income in 4 of the past 5 years must be the result of your own work.
  • Your income must have been at least DKK 66.732 before tax (2024) / DKK 69.148 before tax (2025) for the past year before you get partial pension.

When you go on partial pension:

  • You must reduce your average working hours from full-time (37 hours per week) to half time (18.5 hours per week).

Contact Udbetaling Danmark, Delpension

Last updated: 21 January 2025