The public consumer complaints system

The Danish Mediation Team for Consumer Complaints and the Consumer Complaints Board deal with complaints from consumers

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The public consumer complaints system consists of The Danish Mediation Team for Consumer Complaints and the Consumer Complaints Board.

The Danish Mediation Team for Consumer Complaints is a mediation entity.

The Consumer Complaints Board is a judicial board.

The Danish Mediation Team for Consumer Complaints is part of the Complaint Boards Authority (Nævnenes Hus).

The Consumer Complaints Board is an independent review body.

The Complaint Boards Authority is the secretariat for the board.

Consumers can make a complaint to the public consumer complaints system if the product or service which they have purchased is defective or delayed. 

The consumer must always have complained to the trader who sold the product or service before he can make a complaint to the public consumer complaints system. 

The product or service concerned must, as a general rule, have cost at least DKK 1,220 (2025). The price of clothes or shoes must, as a general rule, have been at least DKK 790 (2025). The product or service concerned must never have cost more than DKK 100,000 (2024 and 2025).

The consumer must first make a complaint to The Danish Mediation Team for Consumer Complaints before they can make a complaint to the Consumer Complaints Board. 

Make a complaint to the public consumer complaints system via Complaints portal for the Complaint Boards Authority. 

The Danish Mediation Team for Consumer Complaints is a mediation entity which helps consumers and traders find common solutions and provides guidance on consumer law. The Danish Mediation Team for Consumer Complaints does not take judicial decisions.

It costs DKK 100 (2024 and 2025) to make a complaint The Danish Mediation Team for Consumer Complaints. The consumer will not be reimbursed the complaint fee even if the consumer and the trader find a solution.

The Danish Mediation Team for Consumer Complaints must finish processing the complaint no later than 90 days after the parties have had an opportunity to make known their views.

If the parties are unable to find a common solution at The Danish Mediation Team for Consumer Complaints, the consumer may opt to make a complaint to the Consumer Complaints Board.

The Danish Mediation Team for Consumer Complaints is part of the Complaint Boards Authority.

The Consumer Complaints Board is a judicial board which takes judicial decisions. The Consumer Complaints Board takes a decision in a case only if a consumer and a trader have been unable to find a common solution The Danish Mediation Team for Consumer Complaints.

The consumer must make a complaint to the Consumer Complaints Board no later than 4 weeks after The Danish Mediation Team for Consumer Complaints closed the case. If the consumer does not make the complaint within the time limit, the Consumer Complaints Board is unable to process the consumer's complaint.

It costs DKK 400 (2024 and 2025) to make a complaint to the Consumer Complaints Board. The consumer will be reimbursed the complaint fee if they are successful in full or in part before the Consumer Complaints Board.

The Complaint Boards Authority is the secretariat for the board.

The decisions of the Consumer Complaints Board are conditionally binding. This means that if the consumer is successfully before the Consumer Complaints Board, they can, as a rule, obtain the assistance of the bailiff's court to enforce the decision if the trader does not comply voluntarily. 

Decisions of the Consumer Complaints Board are only binding if the trader states that they intend to comply with the decision, but do not do so, or if the trader fails to respond to the Consumer Complaints Board as to whether they intend to comply with the decision. 

If the decision is not binding, the consumer must bring the case before the general courts to have their claim established.

Last updated: 04 March 2025