Compulsory liability insurance for motor vehicles

If a motor vehicle is used in traffic, the vehicle must be covered by a liability insurance

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The liability insurance must cover personal injuries or loss of breadwinner for a minimum amount of DKK 146 million per accident (2025). The insurance must also cover damages on property for a minimum amount of DKK 29 million (2025).

If you are involved in an accident you must stop your vehicle, help any injured persons and take safety measures to secure the traffic. If you do not help an injured in an accident you may be sentenced to prison.

Upon request, you are obliged to provide your name and residence (address) to any other person involved in the accident, or to the person whose property has been damaged. Normally, you also provide the person with the registration number of your vehicle.

If you have caused considerable physical injuries to another person, you are obliged to call the police. You are also obliged to call the police or the person whose property has been damaged, if the person is not present to receive your name and residence (address).

If you do not comply with these requirements you will receive a fine of DKK 5,000 (2025). 

Compensation claims should be reported to your own insurance company or directly to the other driver’s insurer. If you are in doubt of the procedure you should always contact your own insurance company.

If you have the registration number of the other driver’s vehicle you can check if the vehicle is covered by a liability insurance at DMR (Danish Motor Register).

Claims regarding an accident caused by an uninsured or unidentified motor vehicle may be submitted to the Danish Motor Insurers’ Bureau (DFIM). Personal details, details about the accident, and relevant documentation are needed in this context. DFIM is also recognized as Information Centre in Denmark. DFIM exchange insurance details on motor vehicles with information centers in other EU member states and Danish insurance companies respectively.

Claims history may be taken into account when insurance companies determine the premium. Insurance companies exchange claims history via the platform, EDI. Exchange of information always requires consent of the person concerned.

For more details regarding the use of claims history, including claims history from other countries, you should ask the specific insurance company.

Questions about liability insurance for motor vehicles, and compensation in this regard, are a civil matter.

Complaints about disputes with insurance companies can be submitted to The Insurance Complaints Board.

Last updated: 20 February 2025