Travel time guarantee when using regional trains or S-trains – DSB
Compensation or refund if the train is delayed by more than 30 minutes
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What is a travel time guarantee?
Travel time guarantee means that when your arrival time with the train is delayed more than 30 minutes, you can apply for a compensation either in the form of a substitute ticket or pecuniary indemnity.
What kind of travel time guarantee is available in Denmark?
You can choose between ‘pendler rejsetidsgaranti’ and ‘basis rejsetidsgaranti’ depending on your transport pattern.
‘Pendler rejsetidsgaranti’ offers compensation for a specific route to which you are registered and ‘basis rejsetidsgaranti’ provides compensation for a single delay.
When is somebody justified to receive a travel time guarantee?
With 'basis rejsetidsgaranti' you can get the travel time guarantee after 30 minutes delay.
'Pendler rejsetidsgaranti' compensates you for delays of more than 3 minutes and is calculated as an average of the trains running on a selected route.
Which kind of payment is a travel time guarantee?
For ‘pendler rejsetidsgaranti’ you will automatically receive cash compensation.
For ‘basis rejsetidsgaranti’ you can choose between getting cash compensation or a new ticket for the same route as the original trip.
You can file your complaint to DSB:
If you have received a written verdict from DSB that you do not agree with, you can contact the costumer ambassador of DSB:
You also have the opportunity to appeal the verdict by contacting:
Ankenævnet for Bus, Tog og Metro
Automatikvej 1
2860 Søborg
Tel: (+45) 22 62 65 00
For travelling by bus, train and metro in Denmark, a number of laws and regulations must be compliant with. The most important are:
- Lov om trafikselskaber, statutory order no. 215 of 1 March 2023 (in Danish)
- Færdselsloven, statutory order no.168 of 14 February 2023 (in Danish)
- Jernbaneloven, statutory order no. 686 of 27 May 2015 (in Danish)
- Lov om pakkerejser og sammensatte rejsearrangementer, Act. no. 1666 of 26 December 2017 (in Danish)
- Bekendtgørelse om jernbanevirksomhed på letbaner (den københavnske metro), statutory order no. 73 of 2 February 2009 (in Danish)
- Bekendtgørelse om regulering af erstatnings- og forsikringsbeløb i henhold til jernbaneloven, statutory order no. 1164 of 22 November 2019 (in Danish)
- Regulation (EC) No 1371/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2007 on rail passengers’ rights and obligations
- Regulation (EU) No 181/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 February 2011 concerning the rights of passengers in bus and coach transport and amending Regulation (EC) No 2006/2004
Please see also
For further information about travel time guarantee at DSB:
For complete information and enquiries concerning journeys by local or light rail train and bus, where travel guarantee applies:
North Jutland: NT Customer Centre
Tel. (+45) 98 11 11 11
Central Jutland: Midttrafik Customer Centre
Tel. (+45) 70 21 02 30
South Jutland: Sydtrafik Customer Centre
Tel. (+45) 70 10 44 10
Funen: FynBus Customer Centre
Tel. (+45) 63 11 22 00
Zealand: DOT Customer Centre
Tel. (+45) 70 15 70 00