Disability assistance when travelling with public transport in Denmark – DSB

When using trains in Denmark you have the right to disability assistance and a reduced ticket price

Read more and self-services

DSB and the other public transport companies in Denmark offers assistance at most train stations except those where you can travel spontaneously. On these stations there is no need for special help to get in or out of the train because there is level-free access to and from the train.

From certain stations, where DSB offers assistance and where there is no facilities available to board the train, the customer is transported by taxi to the nearest station, where the customer can board the train.

To get the assistance you need identification in the form of either:

  • Ledsager-kort Danmark
  • membership card for “Dansk Blindesamfund”, or
  • membership card for “Synscenter Refnæs”

As a disabled person in Denmark you and your companion can travel at a reduced price, which is a 50 per cent discount compared to the normal adult price.

To get the discount you can travel on 'Rejsekort kundetype handicap' but also on a regular children’s ticket.

Which kind of ticket to choose depends on where you buy your ticket.

On the following link you can file a complaint to DSB:

The transport companies in Denmark are referring to 'Ankenævnet for bus, tog og metro'. If you have received a written verdict that you do not agree with, you can contact:

Ankenævnet for bus, tog og metro
Automatikvej 1
2860 Søborg

Phone number: (+45) 88 88 82 16

If you have received a written verdict from DSB that you do not agree with, you also have the opportunity to contact the costumer ambassador of DSB:

Last updated: 12 April 2024