Healthcare when working in Denmark

If you work legally in Denmark, you are covered by the Danish health insurance system

Read more and self-services

Denmark has an extensive public healthcare system that offers free consultation and treatment with a family doctor (GP, general practitioner), specialists, public hospitals and other healthcare services such as nursing care. 

If you work legally in Denmark, you are covered by the Danish health insurance system. Most examinations and treatments are free, but you need to register and get a health insurance card.

When you are covered by the Danish health insurance, you can register with a family doctor (GP, general practitioner) and receive a health insurance card ('sundhedskort').

The health insurance card documents that you are entitled to services offered under the Danish health insurance scheme.

How do I get the health insurance card?

You can order the health insurance card online if you have MitID, or you can book an appointment at the Citizen Service centre ('Borgerservice') where you live.

Approximately 2 weeks after you have registered, your health insurance card will be sent to your Danish address. The card will show your name and address, your CPR number and the name and address of your family doctor (GP).

It is advisable always to carry this card with you as it is required whenever you need to see your family doctor (GP), a dentist or go to hospital.

Start Order a new health insurance card

Here you can order a health insurance card ('sundhedskort'). The card is free of charge the first time you order it or for instance if you or your family doctor (GP) changes address.

Every member of your household will receive a health insurance card of their own. 

You need to report changes to your circumstances, which could have an impact on your health insurance, for instance if you begin to work in another EU country, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein or Switzerland.

You should submit the information to: 

Udbetaling Danmark

Kongens Vænge 83

400 Hillerød


Telephone: +45 70 12 80 81

If you have MitID, you can send the information via Digital Post.

Start Apply for the special health insurance card

If your dependent family members will move to Denmark together with you, the will also be covered by the Danish health insurance and will receive a Danish health insurance card ('sundhedskort') of their own.  

However, dependent family members residing in another EU country, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein or Switzerland will need to register with an entitlement document (S072/ PD S1) from Denmark in their residing country. The entitlement document must be issued by Udbetaling Denmark. Once this document is registered in the residing country, your dependent family members are entitled to healthcare services in this country.  Additionally, they can apply for the Danish special health insurance card ('særligt sundhedskort') which documents the right to healthcare services in Denmark as well. 

The special health insurance card is issued by Udbetaling Danmark. You can order the health insurance card by contacting Udbetaling Danmark: 

Udbetaling Danmark

Kongens Vænge 8

3400 Hillerød


Telephone: +45 70 12 80 81

If you have a Danish MitID you can apply online: Apply for the special health insurance card

Start Order the blue European Health Insurance Card

If you need medical treatment during a temporary stay in an EU country, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein or Switzerland you need to present a valid European health insurance card to the healthcare provider.

Who can get the European health insurance card?

You are entitled to a European health insurance card if you reside in Denmark, are a national of an EU country, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein or Switzerland and you are covered by the national health insurance in Denmark. 

In addition, you may be entitled to a European health insurance card if you are a stateless person, a recognised refugee or a family member of a Danish insured EU national or national of Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein or Switzerland. A family member is your spouse/registered or cohabiting partner and children under the age of 18. 

How can you order the European health insurance card?

If you are covered by the Danish health insurance, you can order the card for free online.

If you, in the case of special circumstances, are not able to order the card online, you can contact Udbetaling Danmark by phone +45 70 12 80 81. 

Last updated: 09 August 2024