When you are subject to full liability to Denmark, you are obliged to report all your income and tax deductions – both from Denmark and abroad – to the Danish tax authorities.
In Denmark, a so-called global income principle applies, according to which income is taxed even if it comes from outside Denmark.
The principle may result in the same income being taxed both in Denmark and abroad.
You report your non-Danish income and deductions at www.skat.dk/english. Here you log on via the self-service system E-tax (TastSelv) by clicking ‘Log on for individuals’ and using your MitID. Select ‘Change your tax assessment notice/tax return'. Here you report your non-Danish income.
You can also fill in and submit form 04.011 EN (Tax return for foreign business income) and form 04.012 EN (Tax return for foreign income), which you find at www.skat.dk/forms.
- Danish Tax Agency
- E-tax (please note that the tax assessment notice (årsopgørelsen) as well as contact and payment information is available in English)
- Forms at the Danish Tax Agency
- Tax return for non-Danish business income
- Tax return for non-Danish income