In Denmark, most tax information and procedures are automated via the self-service system, E-tax (TastSelv). This means that most taxpayers don't even have to file a tax return, as all the relevant information has already been reported to the tax authorities by employers, trade unions, banks, etc.
The following 2 documents are essential to your tax matters:
Preliminary income assessment (forskudsopgørelsen)
Your preliminary income assessment is kind of your current income and tax budget for the present year. It tells you about your expected income, tax deductions and allowances and the tax rate used by your employer to withhold tax.
Your preliminary income assessment is available each year in November, and it shows the tax authorities’ estimate of your tax for the coming year. If your financial situation changes, you should change your preliminary income assessment in order to pay the right amount of tax throughout the year. You can change it as often as you want.
When you make changes to your preliminary income assessment, you also make changes to your tax card which is automatically sent to your employer or provider.
You can see and change your preliminary income assessment in E-tax.
If you want to see your actual earnings, your tax deductions and allowances and how much you paid in tax last year, you need to check your tax assessment notice.
Tax assessment notice (årsopgørelsen)
Your tax assessment notice is a summary of your tax for the past year, showing your income, tax deductions and allowances and tax paid, so it's kind of your tax results for the year. It tells you if you are entitled to a refund of overpaid tax or if you have paid too little tax and have to pay outstanding tax. If you are entitled to a refund, the amount will be transferred to your NemKonto automatically in most cases.
Please note that the tax assessment notice (årsopgørelsen) as well as contact and payment information is available in English at E-tax: