Mandatory self-service

As a citizen in Denmark it is mandatory that you serve yourself digitally via self-services from the public sector

Read more and self-services

Digital self-service is the digital services on public websites where you can, for instance, notify your change of address or apply for housing benefits. 

In a number of areas, it is mandatory for citizens to use digital self-service.

As a rule all citizens who are able to must serve themselves digitally in the areas where digital self-service is mandatory. 

If you have difficulties with digital services, or special circumstances make it impossible for you to use digital self-service, you can contact the relevant authority and ask them to provide you with an alternative. 

If you are exempt from Digital Post

If you are exempt from Digital Post, as of 1 June 2023, you are automatically exempt from the requirement to use many of the public digital self-services. 

When you have an errand with, for example, the municipality, where you generally have to use digital self-service, you are therefore entitled to be offered an alternative to digital self-service. All you have to do is tell them that you are exempt from Digital Post. 

However, you can still use digital self-service if you prefer. 

Public authorities must provide an alternative, if special circumstances prevent you from using digital self-services.

Special circumstances may be, for example, that you:

  • have a specific disability
  • lack digital competences
  • belong to a group of socially vulnerable citizens
  • have language difficulties
  • cannot get a MitID, and MitID is required to use a self-service.

You must contact the relevant authority, who can then provide you with information on how else to get information, apply, etc.

It is possible to be exempted from Digital Post and receive letters by paper mail instead:

Some self-services require you to log in with your MitID.

If you do not have MitID, you must contact the authority that the self-service or service is related to. For example, you should contact the municipality's Citizen Service if you need help with changing your address, choosing a new family doctor (general practitioner) and subscribing or unsubscribing to the Robinson list. The Robinson list is a list in the Civil Registration System of citizens who have opted out of unsolicited written and telephone enquiries for marketing purposes.

In the executive orders of the specific legislative area, it is stated whether you need to use digital self-service. For example, the Danish Health Act states that if you need a new health insurance card, you must apply using digital self-service, otherwise the application will be rejected.

Last updated: 31 October 2024