Connect your non-Danish eID to your Danish CPR Number

Connect your eID to a Danish CPR number to gain access to several Danish public self-services.

The connection process is by default automatic. However, there is a manual process in place when an automatic connection cannot be made.

Want to know more?

Please note that access is at the moment only available with electronic identities (eIDs) from the following countries:

  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • Croatia
  • Czech Republic
  • Estonia
  • Germany
  • Italy 
  • Latvia
  • Liechtenstein
  • Lithuania
  • Luxembourg
  • Malta
  • Netherlands
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Romania
  • Slovakia
  • Slovenia
  • Spain
  • Sweden

How to

Connect automatically

  • Click ’Continue with non-Danish eID’.
  • Select your country and follow the instructions.
  • Fill in your CPR number and your email address.
  • If the automatic match is not possible, please follow the steps to either use MitID or proceed to a manual connection (see below).
  • If the match is succesful, you will receive an email from the Agency for Digital Government ( You will then automatically be redirected to the digital service you were trying to access, and now you can use your eID in Denmark.

MitID alternative if automatic connection fails (continuation from process above):

  • Continue to MitID match. If you have MitID, you can log in to create an automatic match between your Danish CPR number and your non-Danish eID.
  • If you do not have MitID, check the 'I do not have a MitiD' box, and continue.

Connect manually

If your application could not be processed automatically, you will be directed to follow the manual process. A link to the manual application form will be presented in the self-service if the automatic and MitID options failed.

Before starting the manual application process, please have the following ready:

  • Your passport or your national ID card.
  • Your Danish CPR number (find it for instance on your Danish tax papers).
  • A smartphone to take pictures of the necessary documentation.


  • Follow the link to manual application.
  • Select your country and follow the instructions.
  • Fill in the application.
  • Submit the required documentation.
  • You will receive an email from the Agency for Digital Government ( when the connection is completed. If the Agency needs additional information, they will write to you and request that you update your application.

Contact info