Special health insurance card

The Special health insurance card gives you the right to use the Danish healthcare service

Read more and self-services

If you work in Denmark but live in another EU/EEA country (i.e. EU Member States plus Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway), Switzerland or the United Kingdom, you will, as a rule, be entitled to the Special health insurance card and to the blue European health insurance card.

The special health insurance card gives you the right to use the Danish healthcare service on the same terms as citizens who live in Denmark.

Special health insurance cards are issued for a maximum of 2 years.

Special health insurance cards are only issued to citizens who do not live in Denmark but are socially insured in the country.

You are socially insured in Denmark if you:

  • work in Denmark and live in another EU/EEA country, Switzerland or the United Kingdom
  • are posted by a Danish employer to work in another EU/EAA country or Switzerland
  • receive Post-Employment Benefits in Denmark
  • are a contract agent in an EU institution, who has chosen to be covered by Danish social security
  • are employed on a ship, sailing under the Danish flag
  • are a family member to one of the above-mentioned workers and are socially secured in your residence country.

You can, however, not obtain the special health insurance card if your family member works in Denmark but lives in another EU/EEA country.

When you apply for the special health insurance card, you might need to have following documents in hand:

  • Your employment contract if you work in Denmark.
  • Documents for your posting if you are posted from or to Denmark.
  • U2 certificate if you are receiving unemployment benefits. 
  • S1 form (former E106, E109, E120 and E121) if you are posted to work in Denmark. 
  • A1 form which certifies your right to social security benefits when you live and/or work in an EU country other than your own. 

If you cannot access some of these documents for one reason or another, do not hold off on applying. You can submit them later in the process – digitally or by letter mail.

If you have NemID you can submit the documents by using Digital Post, which can be accessed by two secure websites – borger.dk and e-Boks.dk.

If you do not have NemID you can send the documents to Udbetaling Danmark, Kongens Vænge 8, 3400 Hillerød. 

Start Apply for the special health insurance card

Here you can apply for the special health insurance card.

If you are entitled to the card, you will normally receive it in 2 to 3 weeks. If Udbetaling Danmark needs more information, or if you are not entitled to the card, you will receive a letter from Udbetaling Danmark in 3 weeks. The card is free.

If your special health insurance card is lost or damaged, you will have to pay DKK 40 (2025) for the card.

You have a duty to notify us of changes if your circumstances change and if these changes have an impact on your right to keep your Special health insurance card.

For instance:

  • if you move to another country or
  • if you no longer work in Denmark.

The case processing time limit is 6 weeks.

The case processing time limit period begins the same day Udbetaling Danmark receives your application.

You can help ensure that your application is processed as soon as possible by:

  • Attaching the required documentation
  • Ensuring that your information in the Civil Registration System (CPR) is correct.  

If you disagree with the decision of the special health insurance card you may file a complaint to ‘Styrelsen for Patientklager’. They must receive your complaint no later than four weeks after you received the decision.

As a general rule, you can only file a complaint digitally. If you cannot file it digitally, you can contact the Danish Agency for Patient Complaints at tel.: +45 72 33 05 00.

You cannot appeal a decision of the Formular S1.

Contact Udbetaling Danmark, International Sygesikring

Last updated: 16 September 2024