Moving to Denmark: you must provide information about your current health insurance country

If you move to Denmark, you must provide information about your current health insurance country

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Start Provide information about health insurance country

You must provide information about your health insurance country if you are over 18 years of age, have moved to Denmark and:

  • are a citizen of an EU country, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein or Switzerland
  • have lived resided in an EU country, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein or Switzerland immediately before coming to Denmark.

If you are a Danish citizen

Even if you are a Danish citizen, you must provide information about your health insurance country if you have moved to Denmark from another EU/EEA country, Switzerland or the United Kingdom.

Why you must submit the information

The information will enable Udbetaling Danmark to determine which country is to pay when you use the Danish health service.  According to rules laid down by the EU, payment will in some cases have to be made by a country other than Denmark. This country is called your health insurance country.

If information or documentation is lacking

You must provide details about your health insurance country even if information or documentation is lacking. You must forward the documentation to Udbetaling Danmark, Kongens Vænge 8, 3400 Hillerød, Denmark.

In some cases, you may be asked to attach documentation when you complete the 'Information about health insurance country' form.

  • have been posted from an EU country, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein or Switzerland
  • are to work in another EU country, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein or Switzerland
  • are receiving unemployment benefits from another EU country, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein or Switzerland
  • are a foreign student
  • are a pensioner and only receive pension from another EU country, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein or Switzerland
  • are receiving benefits from another EU country, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein or Switzerland due to, for example, parental leave, maternity/paternity leave, sickness or early retirement.

Which documentation is needed depends on your situation and can be:

  • one of the European health insurance forms E 106, E 109, E 121, S072 or S1
  • a valid European Health Insurance Card
  • a decision on social security/A1 form or a refusal of an A1 form.

You must complete and submit the information even if documentation is lacking.

Scan or take a picture of the documents

Save the documentation on your computer before you complete the form. You can, for example, scan the relevant documents to your computer or take a picture of them with your mobile phone. 

No need to submit everything

  • If you have both a European Health Insurance Card and a health insurance form, you only need to submit the form.
  • If you have one of the health insurance forms, you do not need to submit a decision on social security/A1 form.

A1 form and European health insurance forms

The A1 form is a document that indicates by which country's social security system you are covered. If you have been posted by a foreign employer to work in Denmark, you must apply for an A1 form from the authorities in your home country. If you are working in several countries, you must submit your application to Udbetaling Danmark, International Social Sikring.

The European health insurance forms are issued by the health insurance authority in the country where you are covered by social security.

In some cases, you may be covered by another country's social security system. This means that this country must pay when you use your health insurance card, for example if you:

  • have been posted by an employer in an  another EU country, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein or Switzerland to work in Denmark
  • are residing in Denmark, but working in another  EU country, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein or Switzerland
  • are receiving unemployment benefits from another  EU country, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein or Switzerland
  • are a foreign student
  • are a pensioner and only receive pension from another EU country, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein or Switzerland
  • are receiving benefits from another EU country, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein or Switzerland due to, for example, parental leave, maternity/paternity leave, sickness or early retirement.

Once you have submitted the information, Udbetaling Danmark will determine whether you are covered by the Danish health insurance or the health insurance in another country.  

The expenses for the public healthcare services you receive in Denmark will be covered by your health insurance country.

Udbetaling Danmark will determine your health insurance country based on the information and documentation you provide. If additional documentation is needed, Udbetaling Danmark will contact you.

Contact Udbetaling Danmark, International Sygesikring

Last updated: 11 October 2024