If you are
not satisfied with how Udbetaling Danmark has dealt with your case, you are
welcome to contact Udbetaling Danmark, International Social Sikring. Sometimes
misunderstandings can occur and can easily be resolved with a verbal
If you disagree with a
You may file a complaint about a decision from Udbetaling Danmark if you
disagree with it. You will always receive a letter from Udbetaling Denmark, in
which the decision will be stated along with a complaint guide.
Udbetaling Danmark must receive your complaint no later than four weeks
after your receipt of the decision. They will then assess the matter again.
However, if you have received a preliminary decision, you can only file your
complaint when you receive the final decision.
If Udbetaling Danmark reject your complaint, they will forward it to the
National Social Appeals Board. The National Social Appeals Board is an
independent state institution and the highest complaint board for Udbetaling
Danmark amongst others.
Complaints about other matters
Danmark will also consider complaints received about other matters in your case
and investigate whether there is anything that should have been done
differently. You will always receive an answer to your complaint.
How to file a complaint
You can
file a complaint by calling Udbetaling Danmark or sending your
complaint to Udbetaling Danmark, International Social Sikring, preferably
marked ‘Klage over social sikring’. Find contact information at the bottom of the