Cross-border worker and health insurance

If you work in Denmark as a cross-border worker, you will be covered by the Danish health insurance scheme

Read more and self-services

More information on being a cross-border worker from Sweden is available on the website of the Danish-Swedish information center, Oresunddirekt:

Info for cross-border workers from Germany is available on the website of the Danish-German border region Sønderjylland–Schleswig and at a joint website, Eures Kompas, by Jobcenter Aabenraa and Agentur für Arbeit in Flensburg.

As a cross-border worker you have access to medical treatment both in your country of residence and country of employment (Denmark). That means you can choose whether you want to use the healthcare services in your country of residence or in Denmark. 

Healthcare in Denmark

In order to receive healthcare benefits in Denmark you must apply for a special health insurance card. The card documents that you have the right to medical treatment within the public Danish healthcare system on the same terms as if you were registered as resident in Denmark. You must show the card every time you use the Danish healthcare system.  

The special health insurance card is issued by Udbetaling Danmark for up to 2 years at a time.   

You can order the health insurance card by contacting Udbetaling Danmark: 

Udbetaling Danmark

Kongens Vænge 8
3400 Hillerød

Telephone: +45 70 12 80 81

If you have MitID you can apply online:

The special health insurance card is issued free of charge. If you lose or damage the card, you may obtain a new card against a minor fee.

Registration in country of residence

You also need to register for healthcare in your country of residence. You must obtain an entitlement document (S072 or PD S1) from Udbetaling Danmark. Once the document has been validated in your country of residence, you will be entitled to public healthcare benefits on the same terms as insured citizens of that country. 

Dependent family members of a cross-border worker are in principle covered by the statutory health insurance scheme in their country of residence. However, it is the national legislation of the country of residence, which decides whether they are recognised as dependent family members. 

Registration in country of residence

Dependent family members also need to register with an entitlement document (S072 or PD S1) issued by Udbetaling Danmark in the country of residence. Once they have been recognised as dependent family members, they will be covered by the public health insurance scheme in the country of residence. The expenses for the healthcare received in the country of residence are covered by Denmark. 

Additionally, a family member can apply for a European health insurance card issued by Denmark. 

Healthcare in Denmark

Special rules apply for healthcare in Denmark for family members of cross-border workers.

A family member of a cross-border worker will be entitled to public healthcare services during stays in Denmark – except for planned hospital treatment, where special rules apply. Whether the family member has the right to receive planned hospital treatment in Denmark free of charge depends on the national legislation in the country of residence. 

A valid European health insurance card proves your right to healthcare benefits in Denmark. 

For further information about the right to planned hospital treatment in Denmark, you can contact the Danish Patient Safety Authority or the regional patient advisers. 

Last updated: 05 April 2024