VEU allowance for occupation oriented adult and further education

You can apply for a VEU allowance for occupation oriented adult and further education

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When signing up for a course via, you can at the same time apply for a VEU allowance and, if relevant, a subsidy for transport.

Provide information on your salary loss

If you or your employer have stated that you do not have salary loss for all education hours because some of the education is outside your working hours, you must state how many hours of lost salary you have.

You will be notified via Digital Post that you must report your salary loss.

Arbejdsgivernes Uddannelsesbidrag (AUB) can only process your application for a VEU allowance for the course once you have sent the information.

The educational institution can provide guidance on VEU allowance

The educational institutions are part of guiding the course participants and employers about VEU allowances, subsidies for transport and, if relevant, room and board. As a course participant, you can read about the conditions for receiving a VEU allowance here on this page. Companies can find information on

The guide also assists non-digital employers and course participants with how to apply. This means that the educational institution can help send the digital application via, as applications can only be sent to AUB digitally.

AUB processes your information

AUB manages the payment of VEU allowance and subsidies for transport. In order to do so, AUB processes information about you.

Start Provide information about your working hours

If you have been notified that the Employers’ Reimbursement System (AUB) needs information about your working hours in order to process your application for a VEU allowance, you must provide the information here.

If you are a citizen in an EU/EEA country, you can use your national eID. Your national eID has to be connected to your Danish Civil Registration Number (CPR number) before you can log in.

When participating in an occupation-oriented adult and further education study programme, you can receive a VEU allowance if you are not paid while taking the course. If you receive a salary, it is your employer that can get the allowance.

In order to get the VEU allowance, there are a number of conditions that must be met.

In addition to the VEU allowance, you can also get subsidies for transport for the distance between your residence and the course location.

New rules in effect from 1 January 2019

Please note that the rules you are reading about here apply for courses that have started after 1 January 2019. No matter when you were signed up.

For courses that started in 2018, the previous rules apply.

In order to qualify for a VEU allowance and transport subsidies, you must meet a number of conditions. If the conditions are met and you are not paid a salary during the course, the VEU allowance will be paid to you. If you are paid a salary during the course, the allowance is paid to your employer.

First and foremost, the course must qualify for a VEU allowance.

1. You must participate in the course

You can get a VEU allowance for the hours that the school registers for your participation.

2. You must have a salary loss

The purpose of the VEU allowance is to compensate for the salary loss that you have while taking the course. If some of the study activities are outside of work hours, you will only have a salary loss for part of the education hours.  You can get an allowance for those hours. If all of the education hours are at times where you normally are off work (for example, during weekends or during a public holiday) then you cannot get an allowance as you have no salary loss.

If your employer compensates you for the hours that are outside of work hours, however, then you can get a VEU allowance for all hours.

3. You must be in employment

You must work either as a salaried employee or be self-employed or a private entrepreneur in a company with a Danish CVR number subject to Danish law.

If you are employed in a flexijob or in a job rotation scheme without wage subsidisation, you are also considered to be in employment and you qualify for a VEU allowance.

If you have a part-time job and get supplemental unemployment benefits on the side, you can get a VEU allowance for up to 37 hours per week if you participate in full-time education. Your supplemental unemployment benefits will be deducted by the number of hours that you receive VEU allowance for.

You are not considered to be in employment if you are:

  • in the midst of a guidance and upskilling process
  • in a job training scheme (virksomhedspraktik)
  • in a wage-subsidised job for those on a disability pension (skånejob)

If you are a foreign citizen or living abroad, for example, in Germany or Sweden, you can qualify for a VEU allowance as long as you work for a Danish company in Denmark. You cannot get a VEU allowance or transport subsidy while living in Greenland or the Faeroe Islands.

4. Employment 14 days before or after the course

In order to qualify for a VEU allowance, you must have been employed by the same employer for 14 days before, during or after the course. For example, 14 days before the course, 14 days after the course, or 7 days before and 7 days after.

There is no requirement for the number of hours worked per week.

5. Your study programme cannot be at a higher level than vocational training

A vocational training programme or the like is a study programme that does not require an upper secondary education to get into and which does not last more than approximately four years.

If you have a higher education diploma, you can get a VEU allowance if you have not used your education in the past five years. If it is less than five years since you completed your higher education, you do not qualify for a VEU allowance.

6. You are not receiving public benefits

You cannot get a VEU allowance at the same time as you are receiving public benefits such as welfare benefits. 

7. The main rule is that you qualify if you are not covered by an education agreement

If you participate in a course that is part of your study programme, you cannot receive a VEU allowance. This is because your employer is obliged to pay your salary during the course. For example, if you are participating in a vocational training programme and have an education agreement.

If the course is not part of your study programme, however, you can qualify for a VEU allowance because your employer is not obliged to pay you salary while taking the course. In such cases, to qualify you still need to meet the other conditions for receiving a VEU allowance.  

The rate for a VEU allowance matches the rate for unemployment benefits and you can get the allowance for the number of hours that you participate in the course.

Sats  2025 2024
 VEU allowance

 131,55 kr. per hour 

(4.867,35 kr. per week)

 127,03 kr. per hour

(4.700 kr. per week)

Transport subsidies  1,12 kr. per kilometre  1,12 kr. per kilometre

Taxes and ATP

Please note that taxes and ATP contributions will be deducted from the VEU allowance, but not from the transport subsidies.

AUB uses your secondary tax card from the Danish Tax Agency unless you contact AUB before the course ends and request that another tax card be used.

Maximum limits

You can at most get a VEU allowance for:

  • 37 hours per week.
  • The same course three times in the same calendar year
  • A total of 10 weeks (370 hours) of courses in the same calendar year.

You can also at most get transport subsidies for 576 km per day and at most 400 km per trip to and from a course where lodging is involved.

If your salary is lower than the allowance

When getting a salary while taking a course and your employer as a result receives the VEU allowance, your employer must pay an amount to you that at least matches the allowance - even if your salary is normally lower.

If you get a VEU allowance instead of a salary, you will get the allowance based on the current rate regardless of your normal hourly wage.

If there are disagreements, this is a matter between you and your employer.

Arbejdsgivernes Uddannelsesbidrag (AUB) calculates your VEU allowance based on:

  • The information you provided when signing up and applying
  • Your participation in the course
  • Information on your income


When you are taking a course, the school registers your attendance and absences. This is because you can only get an allowance for the hours that you have attended.

However, this does not apply if the instruction has been cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances at the school such as, for example, an instructor being sick. Please note, however, that you can only get a VEU allowance and transport subsidy for the first day of a cancelled class/course.

Strikes and lockouts

You cannot get a VEU allowance while being involved in a legally notified of strike, lockout or blockade.

If you have applied and meet the conditions for getting a VEU allowance, then you will automatically get the money paid to your NemKonto as the course progresses. This means that you will normally get the money paid out over multiple rounds.

You will receive a letter via Digital Post where you can see how much you will be paid.

If you do not have salary losses for all hours

If you or your employer have stated that you do not have salary losses for all hours of teaching, for example, because some of the teaching is outside of working hours, you must state how many hours of salary loss you have had. You will be notified via Digital Post that you must report your salary loss. It is only when you have sent the information that AUB can process your application for a VEU allowance for the course.

If you need to repay money

If you have been paid too much in VEU allowance and/or transport subsidy, the money must be paid back.

For example, this may be the case if AUB receives new information on your absence or your income or if the information you provided in your application are incorrect.

If you need to pay back money, you will get a payment order via Betalingsservice/PBS.

If you do not pay it back on time, AUB will start a debt collection process via the courts.

You can get a VEU allowance and transport subsidy for a number of courses and study programmes, for example, labour market study programmes (Arbejdsmarkedsuddannelser/AMU programmes).

In Uddannelsesguiden (the study programme guide) you can read more about which study programmes are covered by the VEU scheme.

Distance learning

Generally speaking, you do not qualify for a VEU allowance for courses where more than 75 per cent of the teaching is scheduled as distance learning.

However, there are certain exceptions. Some courses and subjects that are held as remote learning activities and end with an exam still qualify for a VEU allowance

However, you cannot get transport subsidies for whole days with distance learning, as you are not going anywhere physically.

Have you been dismissed or have you resigned?

You can get your VEU allowance if you have attended a course immediately after your termination period has ended. This requires that the course

  • has been agreed upon with your employer before you were dismissed/before you resigned
  • is directly after your period of termination.

You can also get a VEU allowance if you are in the process of taking a course that lasts beyond your termination period. This requires that you have been admitted to the course before you were dismissed or before you resigned from your job.

Garden leave

If you get a new job while on garden leave, your new employer can get a VEU allowance - even if you are still paid salary from your previous employer.

You cannot get a VEU allowance if you have no salary loss. This applies if, for example:

  • you are on paid garden leave
  • you are receiving ‘availability pay’ (‘rådighedsløn’).

As long as you meet the general conditions, then you qualify for VEU allowance when you are self-employed.

Please note that taxes and ATP contributions will be deducted from the VEU allowance if you have a single-person company (enkeltmandsvirksomhed).

Generally speaking, you are considered as self-employed when you have a CVR number.

If the information you have provided when applying for a VEU allowance and transport subsidy change or turn out to be incorrect, you must immediately correct the information.

You can either edit the application via or you can notify AUB as soon as possible so the information can be corrected.

If the information is not corrected, you risk losing the VEU allowance or having to pay it back.

Do you disagree on a decision from AUB?

If you disagree with a decision from AUB or if you believe that the information that AUB has based its decision on are either incomplete or incorrect, then you can have the case processed again by calling or writing to AUB - however, this must be done no later than 14 days after receiving the decision.

Do you want to file a complaint over a decision?

If you wish to file a complaint over a decision that AUB has made, you must send a complaint to AUB with the text “Klage til Ankenævnet for ATP”. We must receive your complaint no later than four weeks after your receipt of the decision.

AUB will evaluate your complaint and send it to the ATP Board of Appeal if we do not agree with your complaint.

ATP's customer ambassador

If you have suggestions for improvement or you are not completely satisfied, please contact ATP’s Customer Ambassador. For example, this might be if you are not happy with the service you received or you feel that there are some things ATP can improve upon.

Read about how you can contact the customer ambassador:

Last updated: 20 December 2024