The Danish labour market changes continuously, and so does the demands for qualifications. Whether you are a skilled or unskilled worker, the aim of CVET is to offer opportunities to enhance your job-relevant qualifications in response to these changes.
Continuing Vocational Education and Training – CVET (AMU in Danish)
Labour market training consists of short courses aimed at skilled and unskilled workers in Denmark
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Who is the target group?
The target audience for CVET courses comprises both unskilled and skilled workers who need training to maintain or further develop their job-related vocational skills.
Where are the courses available?
About 80 schools offers CVET-courses approved by the Ministry of Children and Education. These courses can be found in AMU centres, general schools for vocational training, schools for vocational training in the social and healthcare sector, schools for vocational training in agriculture, and various private schools.
Access to CVET
Accessing CVET courses requires either residency or employment in Denmark. If you are unemployed, you have to contact your local unemployment office 'Jobcenteret', in your local municipality, or your unemployment insurance fund, to learn about available options. Unemployed individuals cannot apply for CVET courses on their own. However, those within CVET target group who are unemployed can participate in CVET-courses for free for a duration of 6 weeks.
How much does it cost?
Most CVET courses require a participation fee, except courses related to the social and healthcare sector, and Individual Skills Assessment ('IKV' in Danish). There is also no participation fee for courses in basic reading, writing, and mathematics if you take them alongside a CVET course.
The participation fee is determined by your educational background. Participants with education up to and including vocational education level, which means the CVET target group mentioned above, pay a lower participation fee, while participants with a higher education have to pay a higher participation fee. Detailed pricing information can be found on under the individual courses:
Structure of the training
The courses may be full-time or part-time and may be held during the day, in the evening, and on weekends. Distance learning is also possible in some cases.
The courses often combine workshop and theoretical learning.
Qualifications are recognised and validated
All CVET courses lead to job-relevant qualifications and are validated by the social partners, and some also count as credits for vocational training. You can also get various government and industry-validated certificates through CVET, for instance for driving a forklift or working with epoxy.
CVET certificate
Upon successful completion of each course you receive a CVET certificate.
You can find an overview of your CVET courses by logging in to with MitID. The information is in Danish. Go to 'Mit Overblik' (My Overview) and 'Personlige oplysninger' (Personal information), and you will find your courses under 'Uddannelse' (Education).
You can also find copies of your CVET certificates at '', using MitID as logon.
If you are denied admission to a CVET course listed on, you have the right to appeal the decision to the training institution within 4 weeks of receiving the decision.