Educational information in Læreplads-AUB

Read about Læreplads-AUB's information about your education


Read more and self-services

Tired of looking for your Danish MitID when using the Danish public self-services? As an EU/EEA citizen you can now ease your future usage by connecting your non-Danish eID to your Danish CPR-number.

This service is now available for the Læreplads-AUB self-service. Soon other Danish self-services will follow.  

Please note that access is only available with electronic identities from the following countries: Czech Republic, Estonia, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Slovakia, Belgium, Croatia, Luxembourg, Lithuania. Other European countries will follow.

The Danish labour market is short on vocationally trained employees in several professions. There is a need to provide more vocational training opportunities in the companies so that more young people and adults can complete a vocational training programme.

Based on the number of vocationally trained employees, Læreplads-AUB calculates how many students from vocational educations each company must employ. Companies that do not contribute sufficiently must pay a contribution to Læreplads-AUB.

Læreplads-AUB obtains information about your highest level of education information from Statistics Denmark.

The information about your education is used to calculate the number of vocationally trained employees in your company and forms a vital part of the calculation of how vocational students must be employed at your place of work.

To ensure that the calculation is correct, it is important that you check that the information we have about your level of education is correct.

Start See what information Læreplads-AUB has about your education

If you have received a letter because AUB is missing information about your level of education, please provide the information here.

If you are a citizen in an EU/EEA country, you can use your national eID. Your national eID has to be connected to your Danish Civil Registration Number (CPR number) before you can log in.

Connect your national eID to your Danish CPR number – once only

What is a CPR number?

If you have an official Danish certificate of education you can have your information corrected by sending your documents to AUB.

If you have a foreign diploma, the Board of Research and Education (Styrelsen for Forskning og Uddannelse (SFU)) must first assess what level your foreign education corresponds to in the Danish education system. Once you have received the assessment from SFU, send the assessment document to AUB.

You can also give a power of attorney to someone else (for example, your employer) so that they can ask AUB to change the information about your education.

The person you give the power of attorney to must submit documentation of your highest completed education along with the power of attorney.

Do you disagree with a decision from AUB?

If you disagree with a decision that has been made by AUB or feel that the information that AUB has based its decision on is incomplete or incorrect, you are welcome to contact AUB.

Do you want to file a complaint over a decision?

If you wish to file a complaint over a decision that AUB has made, you must send a complaint to AUB with the text 'Klage til Ankenævnet for ATP'. We must receive your complaint no later than four weeks after your receipt of the decision.

AUB will evaluate your complaint and send it to the ATP Board of Appeal if we do not agree with your complaint.

Last updated: 04 July 2024