Frozen holiday funds - Lønmodtagernes Feriemidler

Deadline for early payment of holiday funds has exceeded



If you have been employed in the period from 1 September 2019 to 31 August 2020 and were accruing holidays under the Danish Holiday Act, you have saved up holiday funds.

This period was a transition year to a new Holiday Act in Denmark, and instead of having up to one year of accrued holiday extra, your accrued holidays for the transition year were turned into savings managed by Lønmodtagernes Feriemidler.

You were assigned these savings whether you were a salaried employee or an hourly-paid employee. Your employer is reporting and paying holiday pay to the fund.

You have presumably not accrued holiday funds if you were employed as, for example, a CEO or au pair, as these types of jobs are outside the scope of the Danish Holiday Act.

If you have been hired as an agricultural worker or under the researcher tax scheme (‘forskerskatteordningen’), it will depend on your terms of employment. You can contact your employer to learn about what circumstances you were working under.

If you are unsure whether you have savings, you can contact our customer service for advice and guidance.

If your holiday funds are negative, you have already been paid more than you have earned. It is your employer who has stated how much you have earned.

There can be various reasons as to why your amount is negative. This may be because a previous payment was based on a preliminary calculation of your A-income, and not your employer's information. It may also be because your employer has changed the information about how much you have earned.

If you disagree with the amount, please contact your employer.

Do I have to pay the amount back?

If you – in an early payment of holiday funds – were paid more holiday funds than you have earned, you must pay the excess holiday funds back.

You will receive a letter, which will describe how to pay back the excess holiday funds.

If you do not pay the excess holiday funds back before the payment deadline you see in the letter, you will be charged a fee for every reminder we send you. If you do not pay the full amount of excess holiday pay, your case will be forwarded to the Danish Debt Collection Agency. The agency will then take over the debt recovery of your excess holiday funds.


You can apply to have the savings paid out before you reach the Danish state retirement age. You can have the savings paid out when you leave the Danish labour market and also if you:

  • get awarded a disability pension
  • get awarded a senior pension
  • get awarded an early retirement pension
  • get awarded a ‘fleksydelse’ (an early retirement allowance for the beneficiaries of the subsidised flexible employment scheme)
  • receive old-age pension benefits coming from an employment
  • have a long-term stay abroad i.e. have your address outside Denmark for at least 6 months.

If you have left the Danish labour market, you have to apply to get your savings paid out by filling out a form. If you contact us, we can send you the form.

You have the possibility to postpone the pay out of your holiday funds.

Approximately 3 months before you reach the Danish state retirement age, you will receive a letter with information about the automatic pay out of your holiday funds, and how you can choose to postpone the payout.

If you choose to postpone the pay out, your savings will stay in the fund until you choose to get them paid out. Savings in the fund will earn interest.

You can follow the earned interest through the yearly statement, that you will receive at the beginning of each calendar year, or you can see it in the self-service "View your frozen holiday funds".

You can always choose to get your holiday funds paid out

After postponing your pay out, you can always choose to get the holiday funds paid out. You do this using the self-service "View your frozen holiday funds".

Should you die before your savings are paid out, your holiday funds will be automatically paid out to your NemKonto.

If the payout is blocked, because your NemKonto is closed, the estate must contact us.

If you die before your savings are paid out, your holiday funds will be automatically paid out to your NemKonto.

If the payout is blocked, because your NemKonto is closed, the estate must contact us.

The deadline for applying for early payment of the holiday funds was 31 May 2021.

If you have been prevented from applying the holiday funds because you have been ill or you have other special reasons, you can contact our customer service, who will assess whether you still can apply.

A special reason could be that your employer has only stated your holiday funds after 31 May 2021.

Other topics

Do you disagree with a decision made by Lønmodtagernes Feriemidler?

If you disagree with a decision made by Lønmodtagernes Feriemidler or believe that the information the decision is based on is incomplete or incorrect, you are welcome to contact us.

Do you want to complain about your payout or account statement?

If you want to complain about the payout of your holiday funds or the statement of your account, write us with the text '“complaint'” in the subject field. We must receive your complaint no later than 4 weeks after you have received the payout.

We will re-examine your case and assess your complaint. If your complaint is not fully accepted, your complaint together with the case files will be sent to the National Board of Appeal.

If you have to pay back excess holiday pay and have sent a complaint, you are still obligated to pay back the excess holiday pay on time. 

You cannot complain to Lønmodtagernes Feriemidler about your employer's information

We cannot take a position on or process a complaint about the holiday funds that your employer has stated that you have earned. If you disagree with your employer's information, please contact your employer.

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Lønmodtagernes Feriemidler is a fund that has been set up as part of the transition to the new Danish Holiday Act.

The fund manages the holiday pay of employees that has been accrued during the transition year from 1 September 2019 to 31 August 2020. The fund invests the holiday pay until it is paid out to you.

Lønmodtagernes Feriemidler is a fund managed by LD Fonde, which also manages the fund Lønmodtagernes Dyrtidsmidler. The daily administration with collection of the employers and payment to you as an employee is handled by ATP.

Get more information om LD Fonde:

Here you can find links to the acts and executive orders related to Lønmodtagernes Feriemidler.


Executive orders

Contact Lønmodtagernes Feriemidler

Last updated: 18 June 2024