View your frozen holiday funds (non-Danish eID)

Here you can see the amount of holiday funds you have accrued. It is your employer who has notified of your holiday funds and it is a good idea to double check that the amounts are correct. If you have previously been paid some of the holiday funds, you can also see how much you have left.

The self-service is in Danish. It is not possible to select another language.

Tip: This self-service is available for cross-border usage. Please use your CPR-connected national electronic ID (eID) from an EU/EEA country.

How to

  • Click 'Continue as EU/EEA-citizen'
  • Use your CPR-connected eID
  • If you have funds 'før skat' it means you haven't paid tax yet
  • If you have funds 'efter skat' it means you already have paid tax.

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