General adult education

General adult education (avu) allows you to improve yourself in one or more subjects at the 10th and 11th year levels, classes 9 and 10

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General adult education (avu) is available to adults over the age of 25 who want to improve themselves in subjects at the 10th and 11th year levels (classes 9 and 10).

Avu gives you the prerequisites to continue your education in a vocational education or at the upper secondary level, for example. Avu takes place at the adult education centres, VUC.

Courses start at VUC several times per year, and there are both day and evening classes.

Admission takes place after a specific assessment of your educational aims and prerequisites on the basis of a conversation with a guidance counsellor. Courses generally start in August and January.

Contact a VUC for more information.

Avu has participation fees. Core subjects such as Danish, Danish as a second language, English, and mathematics cost DKK 140 per subject (2024), while electives such as psychology and visual arts cost DKK 1,380 per subject (2024).

If you are at least 25 years of age and employed, in certain cases you can apply for an adult educational grant (SVU) that corresponds to 60-100% of the highest unemployment benefit rate (DKK 2,679 – 4,465 per week in 2022).

If you have at least 23 hours of instruction per week and complete the education within 23 months, you can apply for an educational grant (SU).

The education consists of a number of individual subjects, which are divided into core subjects and electives. The core subjects are available at all of the VUCs. The core subjects are:

  • Danish
  • English
  • French or German
  • mathematics
  • natural sciences
  • social sciences

The electives may vary, but examples include visual arts, media studies, philosophy, and computer science. You can take one or more subjects at the same time.

All subjects are divided into steps and modules so that it is possible to adapt the level to all participants.

You complete each subject with a test that corresponds to either a 10th or 11th year (class 9 or 10) final exam.

If you wish to appeal something related to general adult education, you can contact the head of your VUC. If you are not satisfied with the decision of the head of your VUC and wish to appeal it, you can file an appeal with the VUC central board within 2 weeks of receiving the decision. The central board consists of representatives from municipalities, regions, and personnel.

Last updated: 04 April 2024