Working with professional fireworks (certified pyrotechnician)

If you wish to use professional fireworks in Denmark you must be authorised as a certified pyrotechnician

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If you wish to carry out activity as a certified pyrotechnician in Denmark on a temporary basis, you should simply notify the Danish Safety Technology Authority of this.

Requirements for non-EU citizens and businesses

The same requirements apply as for EU citizens and businesses.

If you wish to work permanently as a certified pyrotechnician in Denmark the Danish Safety Technology Authority must approve you.

Requirements for non-EU citizens and businesses

The same requirements apply as for EU citizens and businesses.

The decision on whether or not to issue an authorisation is made as soon as possible after the complete application is received.

Temporary and occasional pursuit of profession

If you have not heard from the Danish Safety Technology Authority within 1 month of us receiving your notification, you may pursue your profession in Denmark on a temporary or occasional basis for up to 1 year following this notification. After 1 year a new notification is required.

Establishing a business

The Danish Safety Technology Authority has to give you a reasoned response to your application within 3 months of us receiving your application. This deadline may be extended by 1 month if difficulties arise that may lead to a delay.

Note, that the authorisation will not be regarded as having been granted if the Danish Safety Technology Authority has not replied within the set time.

If the Danish Safety Technology Authority decides to reject your application/notification for approval as a certified pyrotechnician, you will receive a reasoned decision.

Decisions made by the Danish Safety Technology Authority on authorisation are not subject to any further appeal by another administrative authority. A rejected personal authorisation may, however, be brought before the Courts of Denmark in certain cases. This is possible if authorisation was rejected on the basis of the applicant being convicted of an offence concerning his professional conduct that gives reason to believe there to be a clear risk of abuse of the authorisation.

The deadline for submitting an appeal is 4 weeks from the date on which the decision was announced. The appeal should be submitted in writing to the Courts of Denmark, see contact details below:

The Courts of Denmark
Store Kongensgade 1-3
1264 København K


Legal basis in Danish law

Executive Order No. 1425 of 16.12.2009 on the approval and pursuit of the profession of certified pyrotechnician on the basis of foreign professional qualifications and later amendments.

Legal basis in EU directive(s) on the mutual recognition of professional qualifications

2005/36/EC, Title III, Chapter I (General system for the recognition of evidence of training)
2005/36/EU, Title III, Chapter II (Recognition of professional experience)
Last updated: 01 July 2024