Payment of compensation for occupational diseases

Here you can read about receiving compensation for occupational diseases

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When Labour Market Insurance (AES) has decided on your case and your compensation, it will normally take four weeks before your compensation is paid.  

Your compensation may be postponed if a complaint is submitted

If your employer or Labour Market Insurance Claims Review (AESK) appeals our decision, the payment will be postponed for as long as the complaint is processed. If you yourself submit a complaint, it has no impact on the payment of your compensation.  

Regardless of who appeals, it may mean that your compensation will be unchanged, larger, smaller or cancelled entirely. If AES does not change its decision, the complaint will be processed by the National Social Appeals Board (Ankestyrelsen).  

If AESK has appealed a decision in your case and you have questions for them, you can find their contact details here:  

Your compensation may be delayed if you are receiving a social benefit

Your payment may be delayed and potentially reduced if you are receiving a social benefit in Denmark. This is because Labour Market Insurance, Payment (AESU) waits for a response from the municipality or Udbetaling Danmark. If, for example, you are getting rehabilitation benefits from the municipality or a disability pension from Udbetaling Danmark, you may have to repay some of your benefit.

You can contact Udbetaling Danmark or your municipality for further information.

Labour Market Insurance, Payment (AESU) generally transfers your compensation to your NemKonto, but your NemKonto is not protected against creditors.  

If you wish to protect your compensation from claims arising from, for example, a divorce or creditors, you must have a protected account that your compensation can be transferred to.  

If you want the money paid to another account, then you must within 10 day of receiving the decision notify us via the contact box on this page. You must use the link at the bottom of the page - 'Send message to Labour Market Insurance, Payment (AESU)'.  

If you do not have MitID, you must use the link 'Send message to Labour Market Insurance, Payment (AESU)' and attach picture ID in the form of either a passport or driver’s licence. This link must also be used by attorneys, unions, etc. who have a power of attorney for this case.  

If you want more information about what it means to have a protected account, you must ask your bank.  

You can lose the protection of your compensation

If you use your compensation as collateral for, for example, a loan from the bank or transfer other amounts to the protected account, your compensation will no longer be protected against creditors.  

Generally speaking, you are liable for Danish taxes. For some citizens of foreign countries, however, it is possible to be exempt from paying taxes in Denmark. If you want to be exempt from paying taxes, you must contact the Danish Tax Agency.

If you are liable for taxes in Denmark, the amount of taxation depends on how your compensation is paid. An ongoing benefit for loss of earning capacity is taxable, but a lump sum compensation is not.

Labour Market Insurance (AES) will report your compensation to the Danish Tax Agency. Your compensation will be reported in the year that you have received it. You must ask your local tax office yourself to distribute your compensation over the relevant years.  

If you have a Danish tax card, you will be taxed based on that, and if not, you will be taxed 55 per cent.  

Is my lump sum tax free?

The amount will not be taxed if you are awarded a tax free lump sum.  

If, however, you are paid a total sum of monthly taxable benefits for a period going back in time, you must pay taxes on the amount. This could be if your case has been decided upon and you are owed monthly benefits. In that case, the money will be paid all at once even if it consists of a number of monthly payments that you need to pay tax on.

Can I retroactively adjust my taxes?

If you want to retroactively adjust your taxes, you must contact the Danish Tax Agency to get it changed. If you do not take any action, it will automatically be adjusted in the next annual tax return.  

If your disease has been recognised as an industrial injury, you can apply to get the expenses covered you have incurred while Labour Market Insurance (AES) has been processing your case. For example, this applies to expenses for medication, treatment and transport.  

If you have not yet received a decision on your case, you must save your bills/invoices for medication, treatment and transport. You may be able to get those covered if your disease is later recognised as an industrial injury. There are certain expenses that you can get paid even if your case is not yet decided upon. This applies to examinations that AES has referred you to.  

Medication and treatment

As a general rule, it is only subsidised medication and treatments that you can get covered. For example, you can get treatment from a chiropractor or physiotherapist if you have been referred to such treatments from your doctor. Treatments at private hospitals and alternative medical treatments are not covered.  

If you are a member of the health insurance "danmark", AES will deduct your subsidy from the payment.  

The health insurance "danmark" is a private insurance that gives subsidies to different kinds of treatments and medication. Everyone who has a Danish registered address can become a member of "danmark". 

Travel expenses 

AES pays expenses for public transport based on the cheapest mode of transportation. If you drive your own car, it is paid according to the lowest state kilometre allowance.  

If AES has referred you to an examination far away from your home, you can apply for payment for some of your expenses for staying at, for example, a hostel, hotel, etc. and for food and drink. You cannot get expenses covered for your wife or travel companion, etc.  

Lost earnings

If you have had salary deductions of at least two hours in order to go to an examination, you can apply for reimbursement for this. AES covers the entirety or part of your salary loss. When we have received your application, we will calculate how much you can get covered. The money will then be transferred to your NemKonto.

If your case is rejected

You can get your expenses covered for transport, overnight stays, food and lost earnings in connection with the examinations that AES has referred you to if your case is rejected.  

On AES’ website, you can find the rates for how the maximum amounts that you can be paid for your expenses.  

What you need to be aware of when applying for getting expenses covered

  • Make sure to read page 1 on the “Important information before filling out your application” form.
  • If relevant, put receipts, bills, etc. in order by date. That makes it faster to process your application.
  • Write clearly on the documentation which case and what the treatment concerns. For example, if you have had physiotherapy it must be written on the invoice where on the body you have received treatment.  

Your disease must be recognised as an industrial injury before you can apply to have future expenses covered. As a general rule, it is only subsidised medication and treatments that you can get covered. If the treatment qualifies for subsidies, you will pay a part of the amount yourself and the state will pay the rest. Expenses for treatments at private hospitals or from alternative medical treatments are not covered.  

If you are a member of the health insurance "danmark", AES will deduct your subsidy from the payment.  

The health insurance "danmark" is a private insurance that gives subsidies to different kinds of treatments and medication. Everyone who has a Danish registered address can become a member of "danmark". 

What do I need to be aware of when I apply?

  • Make sure that you and your doctor have completed the entire application form
  • If relevant, put paid receipts, bills, etc. in order based on date
  • Write clearly on the documentation what case the treatment concerns  

If you move abroad, your payment from Labour Market Insurance (AES) will continue. Once per year you will be sent a ‘proof of life’ certificate (leveattest) which you must complete to continue to get your compensation.  

It is very important that you use the certificate that we send you electronically or via regular post, as the certificate has a bar code with your personal information.  

Please note that the form can be sent from both Udbetaling Danmark, International Pension or AES. This is because we work together allowing us to only have to send one certificate.

When a Danish resident is paid compensation for an occupational disease pursuant to the Danish Workers’ Compensation Act, it is possible to protect this compensation from creditors. A compensation from AES is personal and cannot be transferred to others. Creditors can also not make claims against or take any other kind of legal action against it.  

In order to ensure that the compensation is protected from creditors when it is paid out, the recipient must have the bank:

  • create a separate account
  • register that the amount is protected from creditors


Labour Market Insurance, Payment (AESU)

Telephone: +45 70 10 58 40

Monday: 09:00 - 15:00 

Tuesday - Friday: 09:00 - 12:00 

Closed on public holidays, Friday after the Danish holiday Kr. Himmelfart, 5 June and 24 and 31 December. 

Send message to Labour Market Insurance, Payment (AESU)

Last updated: 20 December 2024